Balcones Rumble Sample

Balcones Rumble Bottling Note
Balcones Rumble is a unique spirit made in Texas. It is made using local wildflower honey, mission figs and turbinado sugar and these ingredients are fermented and distilled before maturation in small oak barrels. The result is a curiously rum-like libation with a marvellous flavour.
Tasting Note by The Chaps at Master of Malt
Nose: Thick notes of manuka honey and rose petal jelly. Sandalwood, leather armchairs and dried peel.
Palate: Creamy notes of vanilla and caramel. Mixed spices and apple peel. Cocoa butter and burnt sugar.
Finish: Apple peel and hints of honey. Clove oil.

Balcones Rumble Bottling Note
Balcones Rumble is a unique spirit made in Texas. It is made using local wildflower honey, mission figs and turbinado sugar and these ingredients are fermented and distilled before maturation in small oak barrels. The result is a curiously rum-like libation with a marvellous flavour.
Tasting Note by The Chaps at Master of Malt
Nose: Thick notes of manuka honey and rose petal jelly. Sandalwood, leather armchairs and dried peel.
Palate: Creamy notes of vanilla and caramel. Mixed spices and apple peel. Cocoa butter and burnt sugar.
Finish: Apple peel and hints of honey. Clove oil.

Details zur Flasche Ändern
USA, Texas
0.03 l

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